Duel Kaubojsa i Stilersa. Klasik. Dobro poznato rivalstvo izmedju dva najtrofejnija tima do pojave Petriotsa.
Bez obrzira sto igraju u razlicitim konferencijama, tolike su razlike izmedju njih da to prerasta u mrznju, pristalice Pitsburga su ih zezali jer su samoproklamovani “America’s Team” - sastajali su se cak tri puta u Superboulu, a i medjusobni skor je priblizan 17-15 za Dalas. Sa jedne strane redneck grupa koja izigrava gospodu i elitu, sa druge tim koji je dao nadu stanovnicima grada tokom recesije 70ih koja im je zatvorila celicane.
Nevezano u kakvoj su formi sigurno ce dati sve od sebe
Roethlisberger said that if the Cowboys are America’s Team, then the Steelers must be the “World’s Team.” Both teams can claim a national following and suffice it to say they’ve played a few big games against each other over the years. The Steelers and Cowboys are the only three-time Super Bowl pairing. Steelers-Cowboys is the NFL’s parallel to Yankees-Dodgers and Celtics-Lakers. Their championship battles span multiple generations, so on the rare occasion when they meet, there’s a natural curiosity to it. Like some celestial phenomenon that happens once every few years, it has to be seen.