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"There's a lot of people in the league that would rather break the [referees'] union. There's a lot of people who don't feel like officiating is on-field personnel. They feel like it is a commodity," said Young, just warming up. "But more importantly, everything about the NFL now is inelastic for demand. There's nothing that they can do to hurt the demand for the game. So, the bottom line is they don't care."
"Player safety doesn't matter in this case," Young continued. "Bring Division III officials? Doesn't matter. Because in the end you're still going to watch the game. We're going to all complain and moan and gripe and say it has all these problems. And all the coaches will say it. All the players will say it. But it doesn't matter."
In order to sum up what he sees as the NFL's view of both its employees and consumers, Young invoked the out-of-touch (and eventually off-with-her-head..) suggestion attributed to Marie Antoinette during the French Revolution.
"So just go ahead, gripe all you want," Young said, as he worked toward a closing flourish in which he seemed to be speaking as if he were NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell. "I'm going to rest. Let them eat cake."