I, to bi bilo to. Lepo spavaj narode, ono malo što je ostalo do ustajanja. Osim onih neradnika koji će gledati sledeću utakmicu
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“We really needed a big play then and he stepped up and did something I’ve never seen before in my life,” fellow defensive end Justin Tuck said. “He actually called it in the huddle before they even came out of their huddle and told me he was going to pick this off. I’ve never seen anything like that before in my life.
“If you know JPP, you know he says some off-the-wall things from time to time, so we’re kind of used to that. We were just in the huddle talking about how we needed a big play and we needed some turnovers and he just said, ‘I’m going to pick this.’ I was kind of like, ‘Okay.’ And then when he picked it and all of the cameras were on him, but if there was a camera out there that had anything to do with me in the picture, you’re going to see me, I don’t even run out to him to celebrate; I’m literally in awe. … He literally called it and executed. I don’t know if he’s voodoo, psychic, I don’t know, but that’s something I’ve never seen before.”
“He called that out,” safety Antrel Rolle said. “He said that he was going to pick the ball. I guess that’s what you call speaking into existence. I hope he speaks more to existence.”
bice to dobra utakmica, vazna za oba tima. NE da ostane u trci za 1. seed AFC, mislim da nece imati problema da uzmu AFC EAST ali zato CAR sa pobedom dolazi na -1 u ondosu na NO a ima 2 utakmice sa njima tako da je NFC South otvoren. Treba reci i da NO ima po meni gori raspored u odnosu na CAR, prvo 2 utakmice sa CAR pa gostovanje SEA (bice ovo u 12. vikendu) i utakmicu sa neugodnim STL. Sa druge strane CAR igra protiv ATL, TB, 2x NO, NYJ.penban ::Koliko vidim KC nije uspeo da materijalizuje greske protivnika.
Veliki udarac za Denver je potres mozga Vesa Velkera... Videcemo sledece nedelje kako ce odigrati...
Sto se tice nas veceras, nemam neki preterani optimizam. Cam i CAR su u usponu forme, realno i mi smo, ali opet ta nasa sredina odbrane je mnogo sakata...
ma ko ce ga znati sa CAR kako ce odigrati, kontam da timovi koji igraju kao CAR nemaju neke velike oscilacije u igri, a setim se kako je Tomi bacao sa SINPeyton Manning ::kvota na NE 2,15...razmisljam da zategnem neki singl
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